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Red Oaks Primary School
BLP - Building Learning Power
Introduction Why BLP? The Learning Muscles

Why BLP?

Building Learning Power is an approach to learning to learn.

Y4 have been developing a new learning muscles this week - Planning. They have been working in groups planning a new script.
Lifelong learning is our birthright. We can continually develop our capacity to learn throughout our lives. We are all learners every day of our lives it’s just that sometimes in our busy schedules we can lose sight of this wonderful capacity, worse still we can take it for granted and then assume that our children will just "pick it up"!

Research however is less cavalier and suggests that there are several dispositions that we need to develop in order to become successful lifelong learners.

Guy Claxton, (click here for his website), who has created Building Learning Power suggests that there are 4 key learning dispositions;

Resilience - Resourcefulness - Reflectiveness - Reciprocity
…THE 4 Rs

11 Feb: Planning and Absorption
These dispositions are inherent in us all. They are not fixed at birth, or when we leave school; they can be developed by everyone regardless of “ability”, social background or age. In fact,
...there are NO limits to extending our learning power!
How empowering is that? How liberating? How exciting?

We can think of these dispositions as being like groups of "learning muscles". Just as we can build our physical muscles with the right kinds of exercise, so we can exercise our learning muscles to develop their strength and stamina. Each of these dispositions is made up of a number of learning behaviours, which are called capacities. Because the learning capacities are quite specific in nature, they can be individually trained, nurtured and exercised.

Have you exercised your learning muscles today?
Because if these learning muscles are not exercised, through lack of opportunity or encouragement, they can so easily wither and fall into disuse.

>> Curious about lifelong learning?
>> Passionate about helping your child to become more self-aware as learners,
to develop habits of a successful learner and to appreciate that they can continually improve those habits?

We are! What’s more TOGETHER we can generate Portable Learning Power so that your child has the ability to learn what they need to in whatever circumstances they may find themselves.

Go to "The Learning Muscles" tab for detailed information on the capacities.


April's BLP tips for Managing Distractions
Homework can be a challenge for learners small and big! Discuss/consider what learning environment might be appropriate for your child at home. Think about internal distractions, such as hunger, tiredness, emotions, failure and put strategies/schedules into place to overcome these barriers. Give them time to talk about situations that are bothering them and allow them time to deal with emotions before settling to a task. Depending on the age of your child talk about what you do to manage your distractions. A refreshment break? Music on or off? Physical activity? A change of room? Breathing exercises?
Remember: Brain breaks are great if you get stuck or lose focus.
What can your child do to help themselves focus?
What can you do?
Can your child draw a picture of themselves using this learning muscle and stick it somewhere memorable at home to help them to remember to use this muscle?

We hope you find our site informative and interesting and welcome feedback at any time. If you would like to visit the school please do not hesitate to contact the school office any time. If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please ask at the office.

Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

Red Oaks is strongly committed to protecting and safeguarding children and expects all staff and volunteers to embrace this commitment.

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