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Red Oaks Primary School
Local Offer
Complex and Additional Needs Special Resource Provision
Curriculum Access: The Curriculum
Red Oaks Primary School
An individualised package will be provided based on the child's individual needs and will take into account current levels of support available within the provision which will be allocated on a needs-led basis by the Inclusion Base Manager. This provision will be agreed in conjunction with other professionals involved. Factors likely to influence this decision may include a child's age, stage, ability, needs, progress and current funding/support available within the provision which is determined by Local Authority funding. Children will access the Early Years and National Curriculum where appropriate. This will be with their mainstream class for some of the time and they will also access a modified multi-sensory topic based curriculum for part of their timetable within a small group within the Inclusion Base.Red Oaks also has strong links with Brimble Hill Special School which is co-located on the North Swindon Learning Campus. Where access to learning and resources at Brimble Hill is considered by professionals to be appropriate, this may also be incorporated into their individualised package, with the agreement of Red Oaks and Brimble Hill Inclusion leads. To be eligible to access this Special Resource Provision (SRP), children must be able to access the mainstream curriculum for at least 50% of the school day.

Pupils in Key Stage 1 and 2 will all register in the Inclusion Base in the mornings as they are predominantly part of 'Forest Class' (our Inclusion Base class). They will then usually access morning lessons in the Inclusion Base; mainly core subjects such as Numeracy, Literacy and Science, as well as opportunities to develop their gross motor skills e.g. soft play and swimming. Within the Inclusion Base, teaching and learning will be differentiated and adapted to meet the children's needs - this will include small group teaching and will follow a topic based approach - separate to the mainstream curriculum focus, but linked to the National Curriculum, at an appropriate level. Children in Foundation Stage will usually access their mainstream class for more of their day, as appropriate. All children then access their mainstream classes too - predominantly in the afternoons.

When the children are being supported in mainstream classes, they will receive a high adult:child ratio of support, wherever possible. The Teaching Assistant working with them, or their group, will provide support to help them access teaching, learning and social integration in their mainstream class. This may involve some short periods of 1:1 or small group work outside the classroom to support this - either linked to the objectives of their work in their mainstream class or on their individual targets. The child's mainstream teacher and Inclusion Base Manager will support the Teaching Assistant in carrying out their role.

Children are given opportunities, where appropriate, to access the full life of the school, e.g. playtimes, accessing performances, relevant school trips and celebration days with their mainstream class. At present there is no funding available locally to provide additional support for children to access extra-curricular activities such as after-school clubs. We will consider access to clubs on an individual basis subject to a full risk assessment and discussion with relevant professionals. Parents/carers must work with us to identify appropriate activities for their child and also to notify us in advance of attendance as activities such as discos, to ensure that we can provide adequate staffing to support access and safety.

Children in the Complex Needs Provision may access trips with their mainstream class where the curriculum link is relevant to their individualised package. Reasonable adjustments will be made to enable pupils to attend relevant trips. However, each individual case and the outcomes of a full risk assessment, involving relevant professionals, will be carried out and carefully considered prior to a decision being made. Parents will be consulted and informed of the outcome and deposits will be refunded where it is decided that it is not appropriate for the child to attend. For local visits, a permission slip will be sent home to be signed when the child joins the provision.

We hope you find our site informative and interesting and welcome feedback at any time. If you would like to visit the school please do not hesitate to contact the school office any time. If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please ask at the office.

Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

Red Oaks is strongly committed to protecting and safeguarding children and expects all staff and volunteers to embrace this commitment.

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