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Red Oaks Primary School
Safeguarding Online Safety Diginews Online Safety Fun Teaching the Grown Ups Safeguarding in the Curriculum

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If you are aware of any safeguarding issues during the school holidays please email and add 'Safeguarding Concern' into the subject area. Any email sent marked for safeguarding will be responded to within 24 hours.
What is the difference between Safeguarding and Child Protection?

Safeguarding is described by the NSPCC as the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.

Safeguarding means:
  • protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
  • preventing harm to children’s health or development
  • ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
  • taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.
Child protection is part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.
Meet the Safeguarding Team
Red Oaks Primary School Red Oaks Primary School Red Oaks Primary School Red Oaks Primary School Red Oaks Primary School Red Oaks Primary School
Becky Taylor
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Sara Smith
Assistant Head and SENDCO
Emily Maxfield
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
James Lee
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mandy Jacques
Y3/4 Phase Leader
Caroline Henham
Link LAB Member for Safeguarding
Our Duty of Care

All staff at Red Oaks have a duty of care to report concerns when they arise. If a member of staff has a concern about a child they will report it to the Designated Safeguarding lead or one of the Deputy Safeguarding Leads. Parents and carers will be informed of such concerns, unless to do so would increase the risk to the child.

Concerns will be logged on CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System) and shared with other safeguarding professionals as necessary. When a child transfers to another school, all safeguarding records are transferred securely when the child leaves Red Oaks. Copies of written records are not kept on file at Red Oaks when a child leaves us.

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023-24
Care Experienced Children 2023-24
Keeping Children Safe in Education Sept 2023
Prevent Duty
Safe Touch Policy 2023-24
British Values in our Curriculum
Useful Links for Parents and Carers

The NSPCC - Pants Rule, Parental Controls, Share Aware
Think U Know - a guide for parents and carers about online safety
Child Line
Swindon MASH
Swindon Safeguarding Partnership
Red Oaks Rules Out The Bully Flowchart
Hand of Helpers
Safer Internet Centre - advice for parents on what to do if your child sees something upsetting online.

We hope you find our site informative and interesting and welcome feedback at any time. If you would like to visit the school please do not hesitate to contact the school office any time. If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please ask at the office.

Red Oaks Primary School, Redhouse Way, North Swindon Learning Campus, Swindon SN25 2AN
Tel: 01793 493920 Email:

Red Oaks is strongly committed to protecting and safeguarding children and expects all staff and volunteers to embrace this commitment.

Find us using the Priory Vale Site Map